Man Sitting at Table and Smiling

Always stay ahead of Market & Industry Trends

expert financial advisors for the smarter decisions.

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relentless pursuit of value

Madison Partners hands-on approach by senior leaders ensures that every transaction is optimized for success.

Madison Partner’s extensive network and deep understanding of the Los Angeles office landscape make them the go-to advisors for the region’s most prominent institutional investors and property owners. Our clients benefit from a multi-disciplined team with decades of experience.

We position properties for maximum exposure, leveraging extensive market data and investor networks to optimize sales outcomes.

Investment Sales

Our proactive leasing strategies attract top-tier tenants and enhance asset value through targeted marketing and negotiations.

Landlord Rep

We help businesses navigate the complex leasing landscape to secure spaces that align with their operational goals and future needs.

Tenant Rep

Tailoring financing structures that align with your investment objectives, from acquisition loans to refinancing and recapitalization.

Debt & Financing

We provide in-depth market analysis and strategic insights that empower clients to make informed and confident real estate decisions.

Advisory Services

We provide multifamily, hotel, and residential real estate sales and leasing, offering expert guidance to optimize income, and enhance value.

Luxury Properties

Grow Your Money With Avada InvestmentsGrow Your Money With Avada Investments

Your journey to financial freedom

create sustainable future & shape your financial destiny – invest responsibly.

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Get personalized wealth grown strategies designed for your better tomorrow.

  • Latest market insights and trends

  • How to invest with Avada Investments

  • Explore traditional investment approaches

Call For Expert’s Advice

(202) 345 6789

Always stay ahead of market & industry trends

create winning investment ideas with your money.

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EFT Capital Investments 78%
Marketing Strategies 65%
Insurance & Funds Tracking 90%
Two People Shaking Hands
Your Dreams,
Our Investments.

pricing plans.

Empowering your Financial Choices globally

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basic plan

$ 89/m
  • Fusce id quam velm kui

  • Quisque ullamcorper urna
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  • Arius natoque penatibus

standard plan

$ 149/m
  • Fusce id quam velm kui

  • Pellentes que laoreet sap

  • Tempor eget convals tortor

  • Arius natoque penatibus

enterprise plan

$ 179/m
  • Fusce id quam velm kui

  • Quisque ullamcorper urna
  • Tempor eget convals tortor

  • Arius natoque penatibus